Return and Refund Policy

Order Changes and Cancellations

Changes and cancellations can only be made up to five (5) days before your requested delivery date. After which, changes and cancellations would not be possible. Address and contact information can be changed any time before we send out for shipping. There is no additional charge for order changes or cancellations. To request a change to or cancellation of your order us at

Return Policy
We are committed to delivering quality preserved flowers arrangements to our customers. We source for quality flowers and inspect each component of every order before packing for shipping. We ensure that our products are properly packaged so that that can reach your recipient in good order.

However, they may be many factors beyond our control that may affect the delivery and condition of your flowers. We will replace or refund any damaged item, which may have had its quality affected during shipping. Please note that returns are accepted on a ‘quality’ basis only — issues of “not liking” the arrangement are not grounds for a return. We will also require a return of the flawed product before any refund or re-shipment is issued.

All return requests must be made within 24 hours of receipt of your order, and must include photos highlighting the issues for which the request is being made upon.

Product Substitutions
Just like no two flowers are the same, preserved flowers, fillers and foliage are natural and may differ slightly. They may also be adjusted slightly due to suitability and/or availability. We will make every effort to make substitutions compatible with your order selection, and of similar value. Any reduction of value will be credited back to your payment method. No prior notice will be given. 

It is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that the recipient’s address given is accurate and that the recipient/designated person is available to pick up the delivery. If the recipient is unable to receive the delivery from our delivery partner, it is not cause for returns as we have fulfilled our obligation in delivering according to our sender’s request. We do not call the recipient ahead as to not spoil surprises. The sender will fully bear any extra charges incurred for re-delivery of the order.